CodeMirror configurations

A CodeMirror configuration is a set of parameters for a CodeMirror instance. Some of them are internal ones reserved to the manifest to control some behaviors.

Every parameter in a configuration will be given to CodeMirror instance excepted some internal ones:

List of theme names (from settings.CODEMIRROR_THEMES) to load.
List of paths for extra CSS files to append after themes.
List of addons paths (relative to static directory) to load before modes.
List of mode names (from settings.CODEMIRROR_MODES) to load. CodeMirror will assume to use the last loaded mode if you don’t explicitely enable one using mode parameter.
Bundle name for this configuration CSS assets, it will be used from django-assets bundles. Automatically filled from configuration name if not defined.
Bundle name for this configuration Javascript assets, it will be used from django-assets bundles. Automatically filled from configuration name if not defined.

For available configuration parameters, see the CodeMirror documentation.

Create a new configuration

At the end of your settings (or just after default settings are loaded) you could add:

    'css': {
        'modes': ['css'],
        'matchBrackets': True,
        'extraKeys': {"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete"},
        'addons': [
        'extra_css': [

This configuration is allready part of the default settings, copied here just for sample.

  • This reproduces CodeMirror demo for css mode;
  • You can see matchBrackets and extraKeys that are CodeMirror parameters, the other ones are internal parameters to define every required assets.
  • modes define modes to load, here just css;
  • addons define useful CodeMirror addons to load. Addons may be required from some modes, some other ones are just for optional features;
  • extra_css define some additional CSS stylesheets to load that are not themes. Here it’s the show-hint addon CSS;

See djangocodemirror.settings file for more examples of configurations in CODEMIRROR_SETTINGS.

If you plan to create a new configuration to use a mode that is not yet implemented from default configurations, you should be aware how CodeMirror and its modes work.